Pokémon Sun And Moon Revealed!
This year is a big year for Pokémon as the franchise enjoys its 20th Anniversary, with a series of big events and rumours flying around to help reveal and rekindle everyone’s childhood dream of becoming a Pokémon master. That dream could become a little harder with the revelation that the two new games that were rumoured will be released this year and with Sun and Moon revealed there is nothing you can do but enjoy the looks of the new starters and legendary Pokémon!
Set for release on the 18th November in North America (November 23rd if you live in the UK), the recently announced games will feature not just a new region but a whole new selection of Pokémon, including three new starters.
Before you even start your new adventure you will need to pick one of the new starters. Those who like fire will enjoy Litten, the new starter is literally a black and red kitten that spits fire, how can you not love that idea?
Up next you have water taking the form of Popplio, a seal that seems to be inspired by those you might see depicted in circuses compared to the classic seal type Pokémon like Dewgong.
Finally, you have Rowlet, the earth and flying type Owl, who aside from looking very cute is bound to turn a few heads.
Set in the new Alola region (imagine Hawaii in the Pokémon world), you can expect all the great 3D animation that the new 3DS and 2DS have enjoyed alongside a slew of character customization and new Pokémon including two new legendaries who will bring the sun and the moon down on your enemies!