Lenovo Rumored To Attempt HTC Aquisition
The idea is quite mind-blowing and nobody would have thought about it last year, but given the events which have unfolded gradually during the entire year of 2013, it just might be possible.
The world’s largest PC maker, who also happen to hold a majority of the Chinese PC market share, might be in talks with HTC officials to acquire the company. Seeing the bad state in which the Taiwanese phone maker is in, an acquisition would actually help save the company. Lenovo is, without a doubt, aiming for the US market here. If they do manage to gobble up HTC, they probably won’t do away with the brand name, since customers in the US trust HTC way more than Lenovo. Also, the talks didn’t start recently, but have gone on since August now.
The smartphone market landscape would really change if Lenovo were to acquire HTC. Up until now, Lenovo Smartphones sold mainly in China, with a few models sliding into neighboring countries like India. All in all, Lenovo could not achieve the appreciation and renown on the global smartphone market. Now imagine the Lenovo HTC Two in 2014 or later models that could be cooked up by this company merge.
Thank you NextPowerUp for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of NextPowerUp.