Popular Steam App Used to Share Adult Content in China (Bypassing State Censorship)

I’m sure that many of you are aware that China has quite possibly the strictest and most heavily censored internet in the world (well, with maybe some competition from North Korea). – As part of its ‘morality’ laws, therefore, adult content, and I’m sure you all know what I mean by that, is mostly blocked in the country. It seems, however, that thanks to a popular Steam application, Chinese residents have potentially found a workaround to accessing *ahem* self-exploration stimulants.
What is this workaround then? Well, following a report via TechnologyReview, Wallpaper Engine is so popular in China because, quite frankly, it’s currently acting as a key gateway to adult material!

Steam’s Wallpaper Engine Offers A Gateway to Adult Entertainment in China!
Now, before we go any further, Wallpaper Engine is an entirely legitimate application which has consistently remained one of the most popular purchases on Steam. Hell, I own it myself and I daresay many of you reading this do too! – The (hopeful) difference though for you and I though is that we (probably) didn’t buy it to access ‘hairy-palmed’ content, I personally bought it because it’s a pretty cool piece of software that can allow you to allow custom backgrounds to your desktop including some really fantastic fan-made animated designs.
With around 10% of its custom content listed as ‘mature’, however, it seems that Wallpaper Engine is currently one of the most popular programs in China simply because it offers a gateway for people wanting to view adult material, but can’t do so through the heavily state-monitored (and censored) internet!
And yes, I can confirm (from a friend…) that Wallpaper Engine does have some very interesting content in that regard!

What Do We Think?
I’ll freely concede that this is a gateway I’d never considered before, but hey, if watching an anime cat girl jiggling her virtual boobies is all you’ve got, who am I to criticise. – Admittedly though, this does perhaps answer why Wallpaper Engine has consistently remained in the top 20 sales chart (on and off) on Steam.
For those of you wanting to check it out, therefore, and clearly purely for its more awesome art-driven animated desktop wallpapers, you can check out the official Steam website for it via the link here!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!