Intel i9 Series Will Work On Z370 Motherboards
Intel i9 Series Works With Z370 Motherboards
With Intel officially announcing the i9 series of processors yesterday there is, of course, also the small matter of the brand new motherboards. With the Z390’s specifically designed for the new processor, you could be forgiven for thinking that it would be an exclusive platform for the new CPU design. It is, after all, something that Intel owners have gotten rather used to in recent years. Do you want to upgrade to a newer Intel CPU? You’re probably going to need a different motherboard!
Well, it seems, however, that the i9 series might be making an exception. We at eTeknix have received unconfirmed rumours that despite the fact that the i9 has been designed for the Z390 range of motherboards, it is also compatible with the Z370 range.
No New Motherboard Required?
Now, don’t get us wrong. The new Z390 motherboards have been specifically designed with the new Intel processor in mind. They do also include a few extra little bells and whistles. In truth though, the Z390 range is a little disappointing on the whole. While it is certainly better than the Z370, the differences are not enough to be jumping up and down about!
How Do We Know This?
We have been told at eTeknix (from sources who wish to remain anonymous – but we consider highly reliable) that with the right firmware in place, the current model of Z370 motherboards will successfully run the i9 processors. It should be highlighted again that we haven’t confirmed this ourselves. We do, however, consider the source exceptionally reliable and as such, must treat this as both more than likely true and also very interesting indeed!
Time Will Tell!
When we are in a position to check this for ourselves, we will, of course, do so. It is, however, significant food for thought. As above, aside from a few modest updates, the Z390 motherboards are so far looking to be a huge ‘meh’ in terms of technological upgrades. If you could continue to use a Z370, the upgrade would certainly be a matter worthy of consideration.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!