Uber Family Lets You Pay for Friends and Families Uber Rides
Remember the days before people had contract phones, when you ran out of credit and had no way to contact your family because you had no money on you? The answer was to do a reverse call and get your family to foot the phone bill as you explained that extra burger you needed for lunch instead of bus fare. Uber looks to do something similar by letting you pay for your friends and families Uber rides.
Currently, the new scheme will be tested out in Dallas, Atlanta and Phoenix and will let you add up to 10 friends or family members to a profile. The new system will let you keep track of their status and provide you with details regarding their rides.
The person footing the bill for the Uber Family account will have to send invites to other members, who after accepting will be able to “charge” the group account only to then have someone else pay for their trip to town.
Uber Family is also advertised for groups like work, meaning you could have your manager pay for the ride to and from work in the morning or even to a business meeting. Offering this means that groups of friends and families can keep track of one another while also offering more flexible payment options for everyone