Facebook F8 Keynote – Oculus Rift Crescent Bay “Launching Soon”
Oculus Rift is coming! That’s something we’ve known for a long time. What started as a humble crowd funding, quickly become a huge change in the industry and the company was then bought by Facebook, turning it into something even bigger that anyone could have imagined. DK1 and DK2 have been doing the rounds for a while now and Crescent Bay (CB) the latest iteration of the headset is currently wowing audiences who’ve been fortunate to demo the hardware.
Some very important things happened today during the VR Keynote at Facebook F8. Facebook demoed a space game running in VR using their Crescent Bay hardware in real-time and quite simply, it looked amazing. They then followed this up by saying “you’ll be able to play it this year”. This can mean the game is available or the hardware will be available, perhaps even both.
Later in the Keynote, they posted an image saying that Oculus will be launching soon. Soon to me, implies this year. I long believed that Oculus would reveal a further headset beyond CB for the CV1 hardware release, however, it now seems like CB is the model that first finds its way into the hands of consumers, most likely to better compete with the growing list of competing devices.
Check out the rest of our F8 coverage here.