Team Created Pip-Boy 300 For NASA SpaceApps Challenge
If you’ve ever played the Bethesda classic that is Fallout, then you’re no doubt familiar with the rise in popularity of the Pip-Boy from Fallout 3. The wearable gadget is much like the smart devices we can wear today, only it’s a heck of a lot cooler.
Team Reno took part in the NASA SpaceApps Challenge, which set the goal of creating wearable technology for future space travellers. Team Reno created a Pip-Boy that really raised the bar compared to the other Pip-Boy style mods we’ve seen created by fans in the past. The new device can display relative humidity, altitude, latitude, longitude, atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature, object temperature and most importantly of all, radiation levels.
We wanted to make a piece of popular science fiction into a reality so we chose the Pip-Boy 3000 from the game Fallout 3. The goal was to bring environmental sensors into an easy-to-use cuff device that could help a wearer determine if their environment is safe for navigation or helmet removal”. said Team Reno in a recent blog post.
I’m loving the device so far, the 3D printed shell looks stunning and the inlay screen looks very much like that of the Fallout Pip-Boy. Question is, where can I get one?!
Thank you TweakTown for providing us with this information.
Images courtesy of TweakTown.
Lawsuit in 3, 2, 1…
Honestly, if I can ran a big company and people reproduced in-game items in real life, I’d let them do it. Coming from someone who has never played Fallout before, this intrigues me and I may even buy it.
See that, free promotion.