Original Oculus Backers to Receive Final Rift for Free
On the eve of making pre-orders of its hardware available, Oculus has announced that backers of the original Rift VR headset on Kickstarter will receive the final retail version of the hardware for free. Early backers were previously rewarded with the early Rift prototype kit and SDK but, as a show of gratitude, will also be presented with a free Kickstarter Edition of the retail Oculus Rift model, which includes two free games.
“Tomorrow, we’ll be opening Rift pre-orders on Oculus.com. This is a major milestone on the path to putting great VR in the hands of millions,” the new update on the Rift Kickstarter page reads. “As a small token of our appreciation for your support, all Kickstarter backers who pledged for a Rift development kit will get a free Kickstarter Edition Oculus Rift! And like all Rift pre-order purchasers, you’ll receive a bundled copy of Lucky’s Tale and EVE: Valkyrie.”
“To claim your free Rift,” the post adds, “fill out the survey you’ll receive from Kickstarter before February 1, 2016 and provide a shipping address that is located in one of the 20 countries Rift is launching in. For those who don’t live in one of those 20 countries, we’re working on an alternative, and you can let us know your preference in the form.”