DC Universe Online Coming to Xbox One Without Cross-play
When it comes to multiplayer there has only really been one big discussion this year so far, cross-play. The idea of cross-play is that no matter what console you are playing on, you’ll be able to play with or against your friends. Choose the Xbox One while your friends have PS4s and PCs? Not a problem, and with companies like Sony open to Microsoft’s invite for Cross-play it could become a reality rather soon. That is unless you are looking for it on DC Universe Online when it comes to Xbox this year.
DC Universe Online is an online multiplayer game in which players are able to create their own superheroes and super villains and fight alongside legendary characters from both sides of the conflict. Daybreak Games announced several months ago that DC Universe Online would get cross-play for PS3/PS4 and PC gamers, alongside an announcement that the game would be coming to Xbox One this spring. The cross-play feature has already been released but some people have started to question the game’s twitter account about just how much they will be able to carry over to the Xbox version.
The first question that was answered was that if people buying the Xbox One version would be able to carry over their characters, only to have their dreams shut down with a confirmation that they would have to start all over again.
@cptcook1023 No, the platforms will be entirely separate.
— DCUO (@DCUO) April 21, 2016
The second question was if Xbox One users would be on completely separate servers, the answer to which was yes, so the change of cross-play is slim to none at the moment.
@sosuke199 Xbox will be on separate servers.
— DCUO (@DCUO) April 22, 2016
While free to play with the ability to purchase content packs in the form of DLC, users may be put off by having to repurchase and re-create their heroes and villains.