Dead Space Remake Update Change Log Released

The Dead Space Remake was released on the 27th of January with very positive reviews on Steam and a Metacritic score of 87 with only a few minor bug complaints which is a first for game remakes. And now EA motive has released a new update to help enhance the remake. This update will include a number of Steam Deck improvements and fixes some bugs that have stuck with the game since its launch. Sadly the patch does not bring any performance optimisations but there is no need at the moment with the game being well optimized since launch.
Dead Space Remake
Along with the previously mentioned steam deck improvements the February 18th update will now let you equip previous suit visuals. And it also says that the security door bug has been fixed that can occur during the “Locate the source of the broadcast” objective.
As usual, the update will be automatically started as soon as the game’s launcher is opened. You can find a copy of the Dead Space remake on Steam, Origin or Epic Games for just £49.99 standard edition.
Dead Space Remake January 18th Update Release Notes
- Steam Deck Improvements
- The game will now recognise if the player has collected the Crew Quarters key card before reaching Chapter 10 and getting the objective ‘Find the Crew Deck key’. —-> If you’re loading a save where you were already in this state and the game doesn’t update, travel away from the area (60 seconds approx.) and return, the game should then update.
- The door to the security station will properly unlock after the call from Daniels ends during the objective ‘Locate the source of the broadcast. —-> If upon loading a save the door is still on standby, ride the tram to another station and back, wait 30 seconds and the door will unlock.
- You will no longer be able to launch the asteroid without first destroying the gravity tethers, preventing them from getting stuck. —-> If upon loading a game where you are already stuck, the game will update if the player has destroyed the mining tethers. If you have not destroyed the mining tethers, you should do this, then the game will update.
- Fixed Dr Kyne not spawning inside Chief Steward’s office. —-> Will be fixed if the current objective is scrambled with unitologist symbols. Go back to the Cantina, then come back to Hunter’s fight room. This should trigger the proper quest flow. Then follow the quest markers until you reach Kyne’s sequence.
- We now allow for the previous suit visuals to be equipped —-> Previously acquired suit visuals are available in Storage and can be equipped by selecting them and choosing the “Equip” action. To remove a cosmetic, choose the currently equipped cosmetic suit, from the Storage, and select the “Unequip” option. Changing the cosmetic aspect of a suit does not impact the upgrades you have acquired. Suits are granted as such: Purchase level 2 -> Acquire level 1 cosmetic, Purchase level 3 -> Acquire level 2 cosmetic, etc… For saves where you’ve already acquired specific suit upgrades, the player will be automatically awarded the cosmetics in his Storage.
- A few other fixes that may help overall, keep us posted here once you’ve updated your game and spent some time with it.
What is Dead Space?
The sci-fi survival-horror classic Dead Space™ returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up to offer a deeper, more immersive experience. This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to the gameplay while staying faithful to the original game’s thrilling vision.
Isaac Clarke is an everyman engineer on a mission to repair a vast mining ship, the USG Ishimura, only to discover something has gone horribly wrong. The ship’s crew has been slaughtered and Isaac’s beloved partner, Nicole, is lost somewhere on board.
Now alone and armed with only his engineering tools and skills, Isaac races to find Nicole as the nightmarish mystery of what happened aboard the Ishimura unravels around him. Trapped with hostile creatures called Necromorphs, Isaac faces a battle for survival, not only against the escalating terrors of the ship but against his own crumbling sanity.