Cyberpunk 2077 May Feature Huge Living Cities and Seemless Multiplayer
As if we weren’t excited enough for the next big game from CD Projekt Red, they’ve gone and put rocket fuel into the engine of the hype-train. After the greatly ambitious and successful Witcher 3, CD Projekt Red are hard at work on their next game, the futuristic Cyberpunk 2077. While we’re already expecting a lot from the game given its sci-fi RPG settings, which is already sporting a larger development team than The Witcher 3, it’s the companies latest grant application that sparks our interests further.
Applying via the Polish GameINN programme, CD Projekt Red has applied for funding to create four new technologies; City Creation, Animation Excellence, Cinematic Feel, and Seamless Multiplayer.
City Creation is a “complex technology for creating a huge living city, playable in real-time, which (the technology) is based on rules, AI, and automation, as well as supports innovative processes and tools for making top-notch open-world games.” said GamePressure. Seamless Multiplayer is a bit more obvious to most of us, but expect “complex technology for making unique multiplayer gameplay mechanics, including the ability to search out for opponents, manage game session, replicate objects, as well as support for different game modes along with a unique set of dedicated tools.”
“We did apply, I can confirm that, yes. However, we wouldn’t like to elaborate beyond what’s already there.” said Robert Malinowski of CD Projekt Red