PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Finally Getting Training Mode
Most Requested Feature for PUBG
Nothing is more frustrating than jumping into a competitive game full of people with more experience than you. Which is why it is such a good news to hear that PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds is finally launching a new 2x2km map which is designed for training. This map is full of features which will allow players to test out weapons and moves without the pressure of a 100-vs-1 fight.
It has a requisite shooting range with various distances. It will also feature several different ranges specific to throwables, QCQ, melee and other combat mechanics. It even has ramps and a parchute practice area.
This new map is going to be capped to just 20 players (with a minimum of 5), so it does not get too crowded. The PUBG developers have stated before that they fully intend this map to be an organic test range. Although all the different ranges are in sections, each one of these sections represent a gameplay situation players may become involved in during normal gameplay. They will be able to freely move around the map to practice whichever skill they like.
Expect this training map to go live next month in September
Why is It Taking So Long to Release?
The PUBG developers are still working on some features on the map, and it will take some time to sort out. However, here is a list of what they intend to implement:
- Incremental range targets (800m Range, 400m Range, Special 1k Range target)
- Free targets (Standing targets, Moving left/right targets, Stationary/moving Targets inside a building)
- Parachute practice area
- Throwables range
- Melee range
- Parkour area
- CQC Course
- Indoor CQC Range
- Vehicle tracks (Long track, Racing track, Off road, Sweet Stunt Ramps)
- Open water for vehicles (Sweet Water Ramps)
Players will also have ready access to various items through tables of equipment containing:
- Melee weapons
- Guns
- Attachments
- Gear
- Ammo
- Throwables