Bungie Details Destiny’s First DLC ‘The Dark Below’
Can you believe we’re already sitting on the eve of the first expansion to Destiny? Bungie has provided some details on “The Dark Below” with a new gameplay trailer revealed, showing off some new missions, strike and raids.
There’s a new character in The Dark Below, with ‘Eris Morn’ and also some Hive enemies, including a God, that you will fight during the DLC. Not only will PlayStation gamers receive the Moon strike called The Will of Crota, but they will also get to strike on Mars, in the form of The Undying Mind. There is also another timed-exclusive for the PS3 and PS4, in the form of a bonus exotic weapon.
Destiny’s The Dark Below launches on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on December 9.
Source: Polygon.