AMD Cayman graphics cards delayed once again
No sooner that we found out about the Cayman release date, we then receive another.
eTeknix sources from AMD have revealed that the official release date of the Cayman graphics cards will be the 13th of December instead of yesterday’s rumored 29th November.
According to other sources, the delay seems to be caused by a shortage of a particular component from Texas Instruments which integrates the driverMOSFET (DrMOS).
The DrMOS chips found on new batches of 6800 and 6900 series graphics card seem to have problems with its functionality. Hopefully there weren’t any on the first batches from the 6800 series, but this does seem to hold the newest 6900 back from their release.
Partners of AMD did not receive significant quantities in time due to the tight supply of the Drmos chips. AMD also did not deliver the final BIOS version as planned.
Hopefully all these delays will have a benefit on the cards reliability and performance.
Since the GTX580 from Nvidia was released a few days ago, it is now the dubbed the fastest single GPU on the market, Nvidia can celebrate their flagship graphics card for a while till the new 6900 series show up.
We are all excited about what will be the best single GPU by the end of the year.