BBC Three to Livestream League of Legends World Championships
Mainstream media outlets like the BBC have ignored gaming for a substantial amount of time and often produced inaccurate hit pieces to discredit the industry. However, it’s impossible to ignore the dramatic rise of eSports and the huge prize total during major competitions. Unbelievably, many of the leading players in Starcraft 2, DOTA and League of Legends are on a salary beyond our wildest dreams. Finally, the BBC has decided to cater to the roaring popularity of eSport events and broadcast for the first time ever, the League of Legends World Championships.
However, please note that this isn’t major television coverage as the event can only be accessed online. It’s unknown if this was an intentional measure or simply falls in-line with BBC Three’s online future. Additionally, it seems a sensible strategy as the majority of eSports coverage is watched via Twitch or other streaming platforms. Whatever the case, it’s a headline moment for eSports which shows even the major non-gaming media outlets are taking events seriously.
Damian Kavanagh, Controller of BBC Three said about the announcement:
“We jumped at the chance to collaborate with BBC Sport and bring this massive UK event to a wider audience. BBC Three will always experiment with new ways to deliver content that young people want, in ways they want. I think this is an exciting way to cover something millions of young Brits love, in a BBC Three way.”
I’m fascinated to see how professional the coverage is and the overall viewing figures. Clearly, BBC Three’s younger audience is suited to gaming livestreams, and this could bring fans into the eSports genre.
Thank you BBC for providing us with this information.