Win a Freshtech Solutions Project 7 GTX 1080 Gaming PC Worth £1699!
Today is a great day for eTeknix readers, as we’ve teamed up with FreshTech Solutions to give you all a chance to win one of their high-end gaming systems. One lucky winner will be getting the FreshTech Solutions Project 7 GTX 1080 Gaming PC, which should come as one heck of a treat, just in time for Christmas!
Intel i5 6600K Overclocked to 4.4Ghz 500gb SSD + 1tb 16gb GTX 1080 8gb Aerocool Project 7 Computer Windows 10 Special Edition!
Featuring the new Aerocool Project 7 chassis, the Project 7 build is a gaming powerhouse, with an Intel Core i5-6600K @ 4.4GHz, paired with the mighty Zotac GTX 1080 AMP Edition graphics card. Overall, the system clocks in at around £1600, so it should be quite a nice upgrade for anyone.
- Name: Freshtech Solutions Project 7
- Case: Aerocool Project 7
- Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170X-Gaming 5
- Processor: Intel Core i5-6600K Overclocked to 4.4GHz
- Processor Cooler: Corsair H110i GT Hydro Liquid Cooler
- System Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB dual-channel DDR4 3000MHz
- Main Boot Drive: Samsung 500GB 850 EVO SSD
- Additional Storage Drive(s): Western Digital Blue 1TB 7200RPM
- Graphics card: Zotac GTX 1080 AMP Edition 8GB GDDR5
- Power Supply: EVGA 700B 700-watt 80+ Bronze non-modular
- Peripherals: N/A
- Monitor: N/A
- Optical Drive: N/A
- Wireless: N/A
- OS: Windows 10 Home
- Warranty: 3-years collect and return (1-year collect, 2-years parts, 3-years labour)
- Price: £1699
Want to know more about the FreshTech Solutions Project 7? Check out our full review of the system right here!
To enter the competition, all you have to do is fill in the form below. Don’t forget to come back each day for your daily retweet bonus entries!
Update 28/11/2016
The competition is now closed and the winner has been drawn! Congratulations Danny Evans, we’ll be in touch via email shortly to get your details!
Didn’t win the competition, fear not, we have many more competitions running right now and even more on the way. Check out our latest competitions right here.
awesome stuff, fingers crossed and all that
Finally a worldwide giveaway!!
nice, thanks for the chance
Is this Worldwide or UK only?
thanks for the chance!
in it to win it :)
wow that’s indeed a dream prize :-)
Nice specs, would be a sweet gaming rig thats for sure
Well there is no chance when doing nothing and there is a chance of you do something. I wish you all good luck but myself just a little bit more ;-)
want want want =D
I really like the Zotac AMP version of 1080
thanks for this give-away.
I hope i get lucky because my 8 Yold PC is asking for a retirement !!!
Awsome hope i win but good luck to all who have entered is this world wide
Good luck to all. Sweet computer
What a monster.
It gives me GPU lust
i need this PC i need i like PC gaming im a yotube gaming
Nice but shame about the crappy PSU. EVGA B series bronze PSU’s are known to be poor quailty. I’ll be swapping that out for a good Gold rated PSU if I win the PC lol
wow nice monster pc
Amazing competition guys!
Great review of the machine by the way!
After 6 years of being with her, I think the time has come to let my old m8 retire from the years of suffering and get a peaceful life. For years of continuous work, from daily needs to exhausting requests, she accompanied me through hell. Now her conscience keeps fading, with a mysterious disease eating away her ‘ram end ‘cpu. I just hope this be the year when a new partner comes to place and rescue my old laptop form the pain.
Good luck to all (mainly for me, but at least we should be polite) it’s a great rig and I can’t imagine any other could fill your expectations better than this PC.
Good luck to everyone :)
hope win
Please make my christmas merry ?
Love the specs and design, thanks for the chance!
This is one beast PC …WOULD LOVE TO HAVE IT ………….Thanx eTeknix
Thank you for the incredible review and please make my Christmas be amzing!!
Wow super lit PC Build! I hope i win this beauty :D
I want this to become a christmas gift for me i love the build and GL to all
Nice giveaway guys!!!
Great Christmas giveaway :) Good luck to all :)
This looks awesome. My first ever PC was built custom by Gigabyte in Swindon. My other half needs an upgrade too and boy would this make an awesome Christmas pressie! Good luck everyone x
my daughter loves gaming fingers crossed xx
In the hopes that this is quieter than mine ;) My current build is so loud…
i wanna win so bad, my pc runs cs 1.6 at 50 fps max *sigh*
if you using skins remove them, use original cs 1.6 files, then i had bad computer 1.6 started to lag because of skins
i think i use the original cs 1.6,the thing is i have Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family graphics, it sucks bad.
Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family graphics, what the hell is that? :D
It is an old graphics of old sony viao laptops, that I’m using as CPU because of useless screen :D
50 FPS? that’s good! my pc can’t even run minecraft at 30 FPS on low graphics.
that’s good on single player but do you know the frustration getting killed online everytime like a noob though you’re a good palyer
On multiplayer i can’t even get 20 FPS maximum is 16
good lord! i’m not much of a minecraft player but i’m pretty sure people don’t stab you at the back while you lag and calls you noob. my point is i just want this PC to go to needy people like us. Best of luck to you brother!
T-T i relly like it…since i was a kid my dream is to have a gaming Set of PC but we cant afford it my mom bought me just a monitor with nothing else…i know it was funny because my mom know that if i have a monitor i can play now.. but she’s wrong, right now im in computer shop…..i hope u read this and thank you so much if i am the lucky winner but i know there is no chance 1% win rate…. Thank You again…
Winning this would be like a dream, hopefully I will :D
Please I want it:)
Amazing pc, rip dream is coming
if i win i will probably jizz my pants.
i really really want this. if i win i will be so happy.
Let me win this please
I really am hoping I win this… not exactly rich and this would probably make my life 50 times better.
So many entries till date. Lets Hope that my Hope never dies..
slow down mate. everyone have the opportunity to win
good luck everyone
Good luck :)
Never won anything in my life, but this rig would simply be awesome to win. Hat’s off to you FreshTech Solutions for putting together a worthy prize. And good luck to all.
GoodLuck for someone who will gonna win this….we accept our fate even we didn’t win :)
About time I replaced my 286!
i want one pls for my setup
would be great for my brothers christmas prezie
I would love to win this after the year I have had
My ex broke up with me, need this to get over her. Good Luck Everyone!!
I want this to make up my year !
I never win anything in my life…please god help me win this
Awesome prize, good luck people!
I could really do with this
Beautiful PC!
wow! Goodluck everyone! :)
Good luck everybody and kudos to Freshtech Solutions for taking the time to put this together.
Good luck everyone! Hope I still can apply even though I dont have facebook. :-)
thats a beast pc anyone would be more than happy to get it thats for sure
Good luck all
when they put the price is that mean the winer will by this pc or not .
and good luck for all
goood luck to all
Good Luck Every Body
Good luck to everyone!!
Good luck everyone, this pc looks awesome!
Thank you for giving away an awesome pc
I could really use a new PC, my current one is on life support.Good luck everyone and thanks for the competition.
This monster PC will literally save my life ?
this would look great in my living troom and replace my core 2 duo !
The odds of winning are against me
such an awesome competition, big thumbs up for all the giveaways running at the mo.
I want this monster pc please !
with my 15 entries, against lets say a total of 161 000 entries, my chances of winning are a rough 0.009%.
welp, may I be favoured by luck ^^
Hope To Win This Beast Of A Machine Gaming PC
I Buy One Gaming PC From Freshtech Solutions In The Past And The Gaming PC Is Flawless.
Freshtech Solutions Is Very Good Company.Build Very Awesome Gaming PC’s
I Thank Freshtech Solutions And eTeknix For Giving Us Chance To Win This Beast Gaming PC
i really hope i can win this PC so i can sell my old PC and buy a new laptop.
Would love to win this pc for my partner, at the mo he is running an amd a4 apu, he would be over the moon & he wont be nagging no more to me haha :) Thanks for the chance to win this Amazing gaming pc x
I really hope to win this pc, this way I’ll be able to play with my friends on pc
hope to win this awesome beast!…………………….. :)
good luck to me!
if i win then i can finaly play heavy duty games wich i haven’t been able to since 2011.
been stuck whit a Asus laptop pc wich is getting realy hot and i cannot take the charger out whitout it dying… so… if i win in the battle against 172915 entries then il be very very happy :O
Good Luck Everyone Only 32 Hours Left.The Countdown Has Begun.
My Dream Comes True If Winning This Beast.I Never Win A Thing In My Life I Hope I Win This Time
Iam so excited as if iam definitely going to win this XD.
good luck all, never ever won anything like this :(
Hope I win, if I do I could give the pc to a friend who had his house burn down recently :/
good luck everyone its fair game
Not getting my hopes Not getting my hopes Not getting my hopes Not getting my hopes
Goodluck to all :)
Thank you, able to join.
Fantastic prize!! My hubby, myself and both my sons are gamers and would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to win this amazing prize!! Fingers, toes and everything else crossed!!
Just 9 hours left!!!! Finally I will be able to play Assassin’s Creed Syndicate at higher FPS.And even Watch Dogs 2.
god make me winner please
let’s see who wins this beast
Would be a nice upgrade, my PC is starting to feel its age. :P
I really need this pc cuz my old pc takes a fine 3min to load up chrome :'(
It would be so worth on me..
Good luck eveyone thanks eTeknix <3
Four Hours!!
Good luck to All. The chance of winning is 0.18925%
So you’re saying there IS a chance!
To put it in Perceptive, You have more Chance of You and all your friends being struck by lightning in the same day.
But remember that’s only based on statistics. In context it doesn’t quite mean that much in broad terms. :)
2 hours!!!!!!!! ¡Dois Mio!
How will the winner be contacted?
Winner to be announced via message in a bottle.
Let’s go!!! I realy need this pc. Fair and square everyone but i hope its my win….
Winning And Losing Is A Part Of A Game.I Hope I Win This Amazing Gaming Rig
If I Dont Win The PC Its Okay For Me No Worries.Try Try Again
42 Minutes Left.The Coundown Has Begun.Good Luck To Everyone.And Merry Christmas In Advance.
10 minutes and counting!
GL every1 :)
Now the 24 hour wait followed by the 24 hours of depression lol
Who won?
ya who won
all i know is i probably am not getting it
me neither
Damn… I realy need a new computer
so do I.
me 2
but srs how do we know who won??
IDK But i want to know
should get an email
Like now?
but the email might be delayed till tomorrow because it is thanks giving
once the winner is selected, the winner gets notified by email and his or her name displayed here on the gleam app. Same with all gleam giveaways
Did anyone win?
I Hope That Gleam Choses Me As The Winner.I Hope I Win This Time.
Thanks To Freshtech Solutions,eTeknix And Offcource Gleam.
Happy Thanksgiving and good luck everyone!
Good luck to all, I hope they announce winner soon!.
GL to all and happy thanksgiving
when will winner will be announced
GoodLuck to everyone :)
Who won?
Good luck to all
When and where will the winner be announced..?
And good luck to all..
May a true gamer win..
Good luck everyone. May Gabens grace be upon you.
Dear God I’d love to win this. I haven’t had a gaming rig for literally decades :(
Dear Lord, I want to win this to become ma christmas gift :)
make me winner please god
Because we think posting here may increase our chance to win even by a slightest 0.1%
if even 0,1 % :D
well I can’t even start to fathom how having this would be, I’ve always been behind with 5-6 years in technology
My feelings precisely. GL all.
I lost my laptop a few weeks ago and I do not have a desktop. Hopefully a great miracle can save me from buying it.
OH GOD Please Make Me The Winner This Time.
If I Win This PC Then I’ll Be At The Top Of The World.
Winning This PC Means Alot To Me.
please announce
i am opening this page every 15 min
who is the winner
I hope to win. And Thanks for Fresh tech Solutions. I pray. My friend pray. Only to win the beast of bestest.
Is the winner announced yet
God me please lol
just want to know who the winner is
eTeknix And Freshtech Solutions Please Give Me This PC.I Need It The Most.
May God Bless Me With This Amazing Gaming PC
God doesn’t give PC’s ;)
God Give You Everything.Life,Death,Money,Everything
Happy ThanksGiving To All And Very Good Luck To All.
How will winner be notified?
Winner will be picked on Monday so we can announce with Gigabyte and Freshtech.
Where will it be announced? Their channel? or what
Sweet, will be waiting as usual mate (=
n1 :)
No matter who is the winner of anyone wins have a good gaming
No matter who is the winner if anyone wins have a good gaming
Goodness, let it be me.
goodluck and who ever wins you better be playing hard and have fun
I really hope i Win But that probably won’t happen. So to anyone who wins, you better use it well and start Gaming!
189329 Entries.I Hope I Am The Lucky One.Good Look To All People Out There.
They Declare The Winner On Monday.Wish Me Luck
How much entries u did?
22 Enteries.
189329 Is The Total Enteries In The Competition.
My 22 Enteries Vs Total Enteries 189329 In The Competition lolxxxxxxxx
Who’s the winner?
i am curious to know who is the winner. i hope they declare the winner soon :)
Can someone please tell me when(time) and where the winner will be announced and how they will be contacted
They Announce The Winner Today.Dont Know What Time.Winner Get Email From Freshtech I Think
ok thx
Anyone else suddenly have no entries?? Had 110 before the competition ended
just had 79
Still have my 85
please announce now
AAAwwww good luck everyone!
My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s vomit on My sweater already, mom’s spaghetti!!
Good luck everyone
Congrates Danny E For Winning The PC
Congratulations Danny Evans, have fun with the PC.
congratulations Danny
Congratulations Danny have fun
Congratulations Danny!!
Congratulations Danny!
Wow Congrats Danny, not jelly at all I aint…. not at all :D
How many entries did this dude have?
congrats Danny E :)
congrats danny
Congrats Danny E
I wonder if the winner is hand picked or random selection..
Good job danny :) treat it well
I like how usually the later entries always get it. Like what about the early participants