Go Off Road With Tank Treads Mounted On Roller Blades
Remember when you were young and you just had to have rollerblades, the speedy feeling as you put one foot in front of another rushing down the road. These days you are more likely to have a segway or hoverboard carry you down the road or even through the woods, but someone isn’t happy to give up on the rollerblades yet, having instead the great idea to make them off-road with tank treads mounted on the classic.
The EV4’s consist of two rollerblades features a 350W DC motor, giving you the ability to travel as far as 12 miles at up to 9MPH. Afraid of going near grass? Don’t worry, the tank treads mean you can easily cover gravel, grass and dirt. Don’t worry about having to control the movement either, it’s all done via a wireless hand-held remote, giving you complete control over the system.
Sadly if you are looking at something to quickly carry you to and from work or down the neighbouring paths, there may be cheaper and lighter alternatives. Coming at 11 pounds per pair and with a $1,400 price tag means it’s not something you can easily pick up and forget a year down the line.