Uh Oh! – The Windows 11 Nagware is about to Begin?

I daresay that many of you reading this probably remember the exceptionally aggressive strategy Microsoft took in getting us to “upgrade” to Windows 10. We were regularly hit with pop-up reminders on our desktop reminding us to make our ‘free’ transition and I know for a fact that a lot of people ended up accidentally changing their operating system due to the rather confusing (and Amazon Prime sign-up worthy) wording that was used.
With Windows 11 on the horizon, therefore, it’s already pretty much known by the community that, sooner or later, Microsoft is going to once again start actively badgering us about it, right? – Well, following a report via WindowsLatest, it seems that the nagware might be set to start, albeit, somewhat subtlely, within the next couple of weeks!

Windows 11 Nagware On the Way?
Windows 10 Preview users have noted that following the release of the latest version, the Windows Update tool now actively tells you whether your PC is Windows 11 ready or not. In other words, it would appear that the ‘PC Health Check App’ (which has been removed for general user download for around a week now) will shortly become, at least in part, an integrated aspect of the current Windows 10 operating system.
So, are you Windows 11 ready? Well, whether you care or not, it seems that Windows 10 is about to start telling you. And this is likely only the beginning!

What Do We Think?
With this currently contained within the ‘Windows Update’ tool, we’ll freely concede that this is a rather benign start and in terms of when users can expect this ‘tool’ to be made a standard part of Windows 10, we’d expect it to arrive likely within the next couple of weeks. Rest assured though, this is almost certainly just the beginning of the nagware. Microsoft is going to be very keen to avoid the sluggish adoption rate that was seen (and still arguably remains) in Windows 10.
Getting back to the original question though, is the nagware coming? Well, based upon this, not quite yet. It is, however, a pretty firm indicator as to what’s on the way. So, if you’re still quite happy to keep on using Windows 7 or 10 (we’d say 8, but hardly anyone was happy with that) keep vigilant because, like the last time, Microsoft might get a little tricksy in attempting to make us transition to Windows 11 regardless of whether you really want to or not!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!