R.I.P. Windows Live Messenger
Microsoft’s Windows Live Messenger was first known as MSN messenger originally released to the public as freeware in 1999, over 13 years ago. One of the most popular messaging services out there is being replaced by Skype. Microsoft acquired Skype in 2011 for $8.5 Billion US (5.5 Billion Pounds). Skype is the largest VOIP service offered to the public with over 280 million users per month.
Microsoft has been actively updating their systems changing Hotmail to Overlook and now Windows Live Messenger to Skype. They have been promoting the transition to Skype since last November. When going to their website to download Messenger they have a message and an “Update to Skype” button.
“Messenger will be retired soon. Your contacts will come with you when you update to Skype.”
If you haven’t made the move from Messenger to Skype, now is the time to do it, that is if you plan to move to the service. If not you can check out the other instant messaging services out there that are available such as AOL instant messenger, ICQ, or even Yahoo. If you are a gamer you might enjoy using Xfire which is a free IM service designed for gamers, though it is currently only available for Windows.
If you are new to Skype you will be amazed at the versatility of Skype, available not only for your computer, but your mobile device, tablet, home telephones, televisions and more! Not only is it available on nearly any electronic device that you can think of, it is also available not only for Windows, but it is also available for Macintosh and Linux as well.
I would like to take a moment of silence for Windows Live messenger which has been officially shut down as of today April 8th, 2013. As we see the different messenger services come and go with the time, we are only able to hope that they will continue to improve.
incorrect……im still using windows live messanger as im typing this
then you are one of the very few users who still using windows live messenger.
Can’t agree with that. Whilst we all use Skype for Voip and video calls, none of my Messenger contacts consider Skype to be a suitable replacement for IM use. We’ve all started to use Yahoo Messenger instead. Skype is something different to IM, not a replacement for it.
Lately, specifically in last 4-5 years, Lie Messenger have become one of
worst and featureless service resulting in heavy decrease in it’s uses.
So I think it won’t be affecting many people out there.
tried using skype before, i personally dont like it,
MSN was awesome back in the day, then they did an update and boom it was shitty, just like itunes with v11.0.2